Home » Pets » 10 Best Toy Dog Breeds for Families
10 best Toy Dog Breeds For Families

Dogs have rightly been called ‘man’s best friend’. They are unflinchingly loyal! If you ever need a hand, you’d always find their paw. However, if you are an apartment dweller and want a dog, you might want to look at some of the best toy dog breeds to choose a pet that suits your lifestyle.

There are hundreds of small dog breeds in the world and each has its own distinct personality. Some dogs are agile, some are independent, and some toy breeds are plain lazy. If you are a busy person, you might not have the time for a dog that requires regular exercise or mental stimulation.

Hence, choosing the right breed is important as each of these small dogs can pack a personality as large as that of a German Shepherd or the Belgian Malinois.

Top 10 Popular Toy Dog Breeds in India

We are here with the 10 most popular toy dog breeds in India. We are going to discuss the ten best toy dog breeds in detail. Let’s talk about their personalities, grooming frequencies, major health concerns, and adaptability quotient so that you can take your pick.

1. Toy Poodle

Toy Poodle

(Image Source: Pinterest)

Finding toy poodles in the first place of dog shows is a common sight. They are aristocratic, elegant, and plain cute. Their calm and collected nature makes toy poodles one of the best toy dog breeds for families.

A Poodle is not just about looks. They pack an intelligent personality that can save you in times of crisis. In fact, Poodles are regarded as the 2nd most intelligent dog breed, according to the American Kennel Club. They are great for apartment dwellers. However, taking your pooch out for a walk every day is recommended, as this breed requires some exercise to remain their agile self.

These hypoallergenic breeds are easy to train. A toy poodle is generally a healthy breed bestowed with a long lifespan. However, early visits to the vet can alleviate if there are any underlying issues. They love human attention and would do anything to please you. This breed is available in 3 colors— white, black, and brown.

Additional Information:

  • Award For: Most Intelligent Toy Dog Breed
  • Size: 8 to 10 inches
  • Ideal Weight: 6 to 10 pounds
  • Common Health Issues: skin tumors, bladder stones, cataracts
  • Personality: highly intelligent, Obedient, companionable, sensitive nature
  • Life span: 10 to 18 years

2. Pug


(Image Source: tudosobrepug)

The Pug is perhaps one of the quirkiest and the most docile dog breeds to walk the face of this earth. Its square body, short muzzle, and bug eyes can steal your heart in a second! It is a patient dog that likes taking things slow. If you fear aggressive breeds and yet long for a furry companion, the Pug is the perfect fit for your family.

Known for its signature head tilts, the Pug can be the best at being a couch potato. If you have a hectic lifestyle and cannot manage time for exercising your dog on a daily basis, adopt a pug. It is perfect for small apartments as they do not need severe exercise to remain healthy. These emotionally dependent companion dogs constantly crave your attention. Hence, manage some time for your pooch, as these toy dogs can develop severe separation anxiety.

If you are planning to adopt a pug, get a vacuum cleaner beforehand, as this toy breed has a thick double coat and shed all year round. Clean its wrinkly face and eyes on a daily basis to avoid infections. They have super innocent faces and constantly beg for a bite of your food after they gobble theirs. It is better to take care of their diet early on as they are prone to obesity. Pugs are available in fawn and black coats.

Additional Information:

  • Award For: Best head tilts
  • Size: 10 to 13 inches
  • Ideal Weight: 14 to 18 pounds
  • Common Health Issues: Hip dysplasia, eye infections, skin dermatitis, patellar luxation
  • Personality: Quirky, lazy, happy
  • Life span: 12 to 15 years

3. French Bulldog

French Bulldog


The French Bulldog is a charmer who can steal the show with its bright eyes and perky ears. These super-friendly dogs just want to play. These dogs are like little goofballs who cannot control their energy. It is a high-energy breed that requires more exercise than most dog breeds. The French Bulldog dethroned the Labrador Retriever in 2022 as the most popular dog breed in the United States.

Despite not being a major barker, the Frenchie can hold full-blown conversations in the form of yips, woofs, and growls! They are fairly good with other dogs and do not consider them as competition. As they have an independent streak, training is essential from a very early age.

Ensure to clean those bat ears and underneath the eyes to shield your pooch from infections. Underneath their smooth coats, they have a somewhat muscular build. Keep a towel handy, as this toy breed can be quite the droolers. They might leave slobbers on your couch, cushions, and bed! The French bulldog is available in a variety of coat colors like black, cream, piebald, etc.

Additional Information:

  • Award For: Not being a barker
  • Size: 11 to 13 inches
  • Ideal Weight: 16 to 28 pounds
  • Common Health Issues: Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome, hip & elbow dysplasia, heat strokes
  • Personality: Sociable, playful, alert, playful, athletic
  • Life span: 10 to 12 years

4. Shih Tzu

Shih Tzu

(Image Source: womans day)

The Shih Tzu clocks in at the 2nd position on the list of the best toy dog breeds for families because of its loving nature, calm demeanor, and funny noises that it makes throughout the day. Sure, it does not tilt its head much like Pugs, but its snoring and snorting will make your head tilt and captivate your heart. It is one of the smallest toy breeds and you get one home, expect it to steal the limelight of every family gathering.

Although friendly, training these lap dogs can be a challenge. To get it correct, feed your pup at the same time every day and point to the bathroom. The key to training this toy breed is patience, consistency, gentleness, and lots of treats.

Shih Tzus are healthy dogs with hypoallergenic coats, making them superb companions for allergy sufferers. As they hail from Tibet, it’s obvious that they have a double coat type to protect them from the biting cold of their native land. Make it a habit of brushing their flowing coat 2 to 3 times a day else it will get matted. You can buy them a few scrunches’ and tie a pony or two to give them a super-cute look!

Additional Information:

  • Award For: Best hair
  • Size: 9 to 10 inches
  • Ideal Weight: 9 to 16 pounds
  • Common Health Issues: Obesity, ear infections, hip dysplasia
  • Personality: Happy, enthusiastic, gentle
  • Life span: 10 to 16 years

5. Lhasa Apso

Lhasa Apso

(Image Source: womans day)

The Lhasa Apso is one-half dog and the other half saint! If it could speak, it could bestow the world with a word or two of wisdom. If your family has working members who might not be available all day, this dog breed suits your home. Don’t do it on its size; this toy dog breed is fiercely loyal and protective. They would alarm the family at the first sight of intruders.

They were originally bred as temple guards, and they take their duties seriously. Hence, Lhasa Apsos rushes to the door like a gust of wind when the doorbell goes off. These playful family pets are patient with small children and calm with the elderly family. Independent by nature, this tiny dog can get a little aggressive when you cross territories. However, they also love a good belly rub once in a while.

Housebreaking these miniature dogs can be a tough task. They have a stubborn nature that can only yield to a lot of love and early training. Their silky coat requires regular brushings, shampooing, and conditioning. They don’t tend to shed a lot, which is great if your family members are prone to allergies.

Additional Information:

  • Award For: Loyalty
  • Size: 9 to 11 inches
  • Ideal Weight: 13 to 18 pounds
  • Common Health Issues: Glaucoma, renal dysplasia, bone problems
  • Personality: Independent, loving, alert, assertive
  • Life span: 12 to 14 years

6. Chihuahua


(Image Source: buzzfeed)

The Chihuahua clocks in at the 6th position of the best toy dog breeds because of its loyal and courageous nature. Despite being the smallest dog in the canine world, the Chihuahua is valorous enough to fight a bear if its human is in trouble.

Chihuahuas are so small, you can fit one in your purse! These are affectionate dogs, but their loyalties are reserved for one person, making them suitable for people who live alone. They hate sharing their affection and can be territorial with other pets. Constant reassurance, plenty of time and hugs can keep their territorial nature in check.

Available in both short and long coats, Chihuahuas are quite the barker. They bark, howl, whine and growl pretty much the whole day. Chihuahuas outlive most canines. Toby Keith, the Chihuahua is one of the oldest living dogs. They are generally healthy but some can be very prone to separation anxiety.

Additional Information:

  • Award For: Courageousness
  • Size: 6 to 9 inches
  • Ideal Weight: 4 to 6 pounds
  • Common Health Issues: Intervertebral Disc Disease, Collapsed Trachea, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, and Chronic Bronchitis.
  • Personality: Courageous, alert, loyal, fierce
  • Life span: 12 to 20 years

7. Bichon Frise

 Bichon Frise

(Image Source: The Paws)

Charming by nature, the Bichon Frise is one of the miniature dog breeds that like tagging along with its humans all day long. This toy breed is a friend to all, would do well in a household with multiple pets, and is a good therapy dog.

It originated in the Mediterranean region of Spain and France and was popular among royalties. It is one of the reasons why owning a Bichon can be expensive. This miniature dog breed can be your perfect cuddle buddy. These fluff balls are spirited, lively, and cheerful and are known for bringing joy to everyone.

These dogs have a compact body and rounded heads. They might not be whip-smart like the Miniature Poodles, but they do respond well to training as they are eager to please. With a dense undercoat and curly top coat, the Bichon Frise is hypoallergenic. They require regular grooming to prevent matting.

Additional Information:

  • Award For:Best Adaptability quotient and adjusting to other pets
  • Size: 9 to 12 inches
  • Ideal Weight: 10 to 18 pounds
  • Common Health Issues: Dental issues, diabetes, Cushing’s disease, skin anomalies
  • Personality: Eager to please, playful, obedient
  • Life span: 12 to 15 years

8. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

(Image Source: Pinterest)

Bred for the Royalties in Great Britain as a companion dog, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel can be an excellent toy dog for your family. They are gentle, playful, and patient, and they crave the attention of everyone, making them a superb choice for families.

Although compact in size, the CKCS does enjoy good exercise. Taking them for a brisk walk or playing tug of war or fetch can keep them mentally stimulated. They are eager to please, which makes housebreaking an easy job. However, this lap dog is not a swimmer. Hence, be cautious if they are near the pool or any water body.

They have a long and silky coat, which makes regular visits to the groomer a mandate. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels don’t respond well to heat and humidity. They have a short muzzle, which complicates the matter further. Although they are some of the cutest miniature toy dogs, they are not hypoallergenic in nature. Hence, if you are allergic to dog furs and dander, keep your distance from this one.

Additional Information:

  • Award For:Athletic toy dog breed
  • Size: 12 to 13 inches
  • Ideal Weight: 13 to 18 pounds
  • Common Health Issues: Patella luxation,  syringomyelia, middle ear infections, cataracts
  • Personality: Athletic, friendly,  loyal
  • Life span: 12 to 15 years

9. Miniature Pinscher

Miniature Pinscher

(Image Source: britannica)

The Miniature Pinscher should be your pick if you are looking for an agile and athletic dog in the toy group who is also small enough for apartment living. Standing n more than 12 to 13 inches tall, these dogs are a ball of energy. They are loyal to the core and protective like guard dogs but also love hugs and belly rubs.

The origin of this toy dog breed was Germany. They have a distinct hunting instinct, as the mini pin was mainly used to hunt rodents and small animals. Hence, keeping them on a tight leash is important when on walks; otherwise, they might run off after birds or at the sight of a squirrel. They can be suspicious of strangers and aren’t particularly very tolerant. You can consider soundproofing your work area (if you work from home), as their barking level is top-notch!

Even as one of the smallest dog breeds, the mini pins have a big personality. They pack a combination of both a lap dog and a guard dog. The miniature Pinschers have a smooth coat and are available in three colors— solid red or rust, chocolate, and black.

Additional Information:

  • Award For:The Most Agile Toy Breed
  • Size: 12 to 13 inches
  • Ideal Weight: 8 to 10 pounds
  • Common Health Issues: Legg-Calve-Perthes disease, thyroid, epilepsy, ocular issues
  • Personality: Intelligent, independent, playful, assertive
  • Life span: 10 to 14 years

10. Pomeranian


(Image Source: AKC marketplace)

Available in various coat colors, the Pomeranian looks like a miniature bear. This fluffy breed is playful, adaptable, and affectionate, but they also like some alone time. So, if your pup is not responding to you, it is best to leave it alone for some time. They will automatically huddle back to your lap after a while.

As they are from the Spitz family, they aren’t great with other pets and might get jealous of other pets. Although they would be affectionate to all in the family, the Pom tends to develop a special bond with one person. They are most suited for a home where they would have someone around all day long as these breeds get separation anxiety or might develop an aggressive nature when left alone.

Although a fluffy toy breed, the Pomeranian requires less grooming. Brushing their coat once a day or two would get the job done. This lapdog loves toys and treats and knows how to get its way using its super-adorable face. Make a habit of visiting the vet for precautionary checkups, as this toy breed can be prone to a wide variety of health issues.

Additional Information:

  • Award For: Being a Fluff Bear
  • Size: 8 to 14 inches
  • Ideal Weight: 3 to 7 pounds
  • Common Health Issues: retinal atrophy, Hypoglycemia, Hip Dysplasia, Collapsing Trachea
  • Personality: Extrovert, sociable, playful
  • Life span: 12 to 16 years

Final Words

All dogs are amazing and command love, but some might fit your world better than others. The toy dogs typically require less exercise than their bigger counterparts. These were our picks for the best toy dog breeds for your family. We hope we could help you in finding the ideal dog to cheer up your life.

Now that you have picked one, consult a veterinarian and make arrangements for their vaccinations beforehand so that there is no delay in helping them get a healthy life.

This entry was posted in Pets.