Home » Health & Fitness » What You Need to Know About Alopecia (Alopecie) in Montreal?

Alopecia (Alopecie) is a very alarming factor. If you are suffering from massive hair fall, then your stress can be approachable. Gone were the days when you had to roam around to identify the problem of your hair loss.

According to many dermatologists, over 70% of Canadians suffer from hair problems at a certain age in their lives. Hearing the stories of their patients. The most common problem they have encountered is alopecia (Alopecie). 

Do not worry if you are suffering from this disease. You are not alone here. However, your problem is quite understandable since you have to socialise regularly. If you are a female, baldness at such a mild age can lead to a matter of shame and embarrassment. Therefore, seek the best dermatologist near your area and consult for better treatment.

In this blog, we will help you deal with the problem. Thus, if you’re a victim of this disease, utilise this blog as the ultimate guide for your concerns.

What is alopecia (alopecie)?

Do you have any idea what alopecia (Alopecie) is?

Alopecia (Alopecie) is a hair condition that can occur in any part of your body. It mainly triggers hair growth in the head or beard. Hair is temporarily or permanently lost in that particular part. Since your hair follicles are responsible for your hair growth, Alopecia threatens the growth by attacking the immune system. There is no permanent solution for alopecia. However, with modern treatment and consultation, you can stop hair fall.

Doctors say that losing 100 hairs every day is normal for everyone. But if you are suffering from excessive hair growth, then it needs immediate attention. Owing to the Canadian climate and other reasons, people often experience hair loss and damage. But the problem of alopecia (alopecie) triggers when you lose hair in a certain area, and it may be anywhere in your head. 

Types of Alopecia (Alopecie)

Alopecia (Alopecie) may be of different types owing to your symptoms and hair problems. However, if you are suffering from alopecia, know the different types to have a better knowledge:

Androgenetic Alopecia (Alopecie)

Androgenetic alopecia (Alopecie) can happen to both males and females. It is caused by hereditary disorders. This type of problem is mainly caused by rough patches of hair later leading to baldness. So, a small portion remains in the lower neck skull. 

● Ringworm

Ringworm is a condition that generally triggers children at a very early age. The disease is caused by fungi or other insects, which can result, and dermatophytes that can misbalance your creatinine levels. If not treated at an early age, this problem can remain for a long period, further leading to permanent hair loss. 

● Traction alopecia (Alopecie)

If you are addicted to various hairstyles that consist of constant pulling and stretching, This can occur in Traction Alopecia. In the early stages of Traction Alopecia, hair loss can be mild and regrow. However, your doctor can prescribe you some drugs to treat small inflammation of the hair to regrow. 

●  Postpartum alopecia (Alopecie)

Postpartum alopecia (alopecie) is mainly caused by postpartum pregnancy. If you are having a baby, then after your delivery, postpartum alopecia can take place due to hormonal changes.

Causes of Alopecia (Alopecie)

Alopecia (Alopecie) can occur due to various problems, such as major health issues or hereditary. There is no confirmed reason for it. However, if you are suffering from alopecia, consider these reasons:

● Cancer Treatment

If you are a cancer survivor, then your tissues are going through a lot of change. Considering this problem, you have to take a lot of chemo sessions. This results in further hair loss.

● Thyroid

If you are a thyroid patient or a PCOD patient. You are already going through a hormonal change. This causes a threat to your hair follicle, which is further responsible for hair damage. 

●  Genetic Disorder

A genetic disorder is mainly a problem that you have been bearing for generations. If any of your family suffers from major hair loss due to alopecia (Alopecie). It may cause you as well. 

●  Extreme Stress

If you undergo severe stress due to various profound reasons, then you may suffer from a lot of hair loss. Sometimes, taking excessive stress pills is also responsible.

Types of Alopecia (Alopecie) Treatment

There are advanced cosmetic treatments available for alopecia in Montreal. Take a look at the different types of treatment to avail the best for your hair:

● Mesotherapy

Mesotherapy is a type of cosmetic treatment that is done using injections. These injections further contain several small needles with small doses of nutrients. Dermatologists utilise these nutrients to insert deep down your hair debris to influence growth.

Procedure of Mesotherapy

● Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet-rich Plasma is a type of treatment that uses your blood to insert into your hair. This process is divided into three basic stages for hair regrowth.

Procedure of Platelet-Rich Plasma

● Hair transplant

  A hair transplant is a common practice in Montreal. This procedure is being done by transferring an individual’s hair to yours. There are several methods of hair transplantation, such as the linear strip method, flap surgery, etc.

 Procedure of Hair Transplant

●  Immunotherapy

Immunotherapy is mainly the prescribing of drugs and other medicines to control or increase your body’s immunity.

Sum Up

Therefore, do not worry much. Consult your dermatologist now and avail the best treatment possible for your problem. Alopecia Montreal (Alopecie Montréal) can be haunting, but proper treatment can surely help you out.

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